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Ksilink takes part in the EIC pathfinder consortium IMPACT
We are very proud to contribute with our expertise in phenotypic and functional profiling of cardiac muscle disorders as a partner of another European consortium of excellence....
New publication: The JUMP Cell Painting dataset, studying the morphological impact of 136,000 chemical and genetic perturbations goes public
Since 2019, Ksilink has been part of the JUMP-Cell Painting Consortium, a collaboration between 10 pharmaceutical companies, six supporting technology companies, and two...
Meet us at Santa Fe Keystone Symposia on Feb. 13th & 14th, 2023!
Discover how Ksilink, myriamed and their spin-off Myrtil Biotechnologies implement deep learning to enhance high-content screening and deep-tissue phenotyping to identify...
Kick-off meeting of EnvironMENTAL
The Ksilink team is happy to participate today in the kick-off meeting of the EC-funded consortium EnvironMENTAL. The consortium, coordinated by the Charité Hospital and composed...
Myrtil Biotechnologies – our first Spin-off is born!
Based on our long-standing collaboration with myriamed GmbH and the successful establishment of an AI-powered screenable disease model for dilated cardiomyopathies, we proudly...
Meet us in Denver
We will participate at this year’s Keystone Symposium on Modern Phenotypic Drug Discovery: From Chemical Biology to Therapy that will take place from May 22nd – May 25th 2022 in...
Ksilink engaged in EnvironMENTAL
Ksilink proudly takes part of the EC funded EnvironMENTAL consortium. Want to know more? You are invited to join a series of seminars! EnvironMENTAL aims at identifying the...
First success for Personalized Functional Profiling (PFP) of gastro-intestinal cancers
Ksilink proudly announces the publication of exciting results in the journal “Cancer Biology & Therapy”. In fact, the technology for Personalized Functional Profiling (PFP) of...
Journée de l’amitié franco-allemande/Tag der deutsch-französischen Freundschaft
A l'occasion de la journée de l'amitié franco-allemande, Ksilink vous présente ses meilleurs vœux pour l'année 2022 ! Version française Anlässlich des Tages der...