Patient-based drug discovery's latest news
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New publication in Nature chemical biology
Dr Juyong Yoon, Project team leader at Ksilink, published a paper entitled” Permissive epigenomes endow reprogramming competence to transcriptional regulators” in Nature chemical...
Ksilink in the Strasbourg Boston Initiative 2020
Ksilink is happy to be part of the Strasbourg Boston Initiative 2020 ! At Ksilink we use every day as an opportunity to not only create new and efficient ways to work smarter but...
Promoting young scientists in translational science
Ksilink is proud to announce that Ms Tiphaine Champetier has successfully passed her PhD viva. Ksilink is engaged in promoting young scientists in translational science and...
Ksilink grows and further develops
During the last months Ksilink has welcomed seven new scientists experts in cell biology, drug screening, and image and data mining. “We are happy to have now an outstanding team...
New publication in SLAS discovery
Our Internet site,, has had a complete makeover, working on "Travel and Health info" Keep in touch !
New strategic partnership to fight heart disease
On October 29th 2019, Ksilink has initiated two new strategic partnerships with the Biological Adaptation and Ageing research unit of the Institute of Biology Paris Seine...
Change in continuity: professor Alain Beretz appointed as new Ksilink chairman
On September 24th 2019, Ksilink Board of Directors appointed Professor Alain Beretz (on the left) as new Chairman of the Association, replacing Professor André Syrota (on the...
Come together cardiovascular disease
Ksilink organizes a come together in the field of patient based disease modeling for cardiovascular diseases. Prof Zimmermann from University of Göttingen and Dr. Kirchmeir...
Ksilink increases its computing capacity
Ksilink acquires one high performance GPU/TPU cluster from locally-based 2CRSI company to implement deep learning approaches to its drug discovery programs for cardiovascular and...