Ksilink is a deeptech exploiting a pipeline of patient-based drug discovery programs
Our story
What we do
Leveraging our network of academia, industry, patients’ organizations, and clusters, we are bridging academic and industrial forces to address diseases where no other therapeutic approaches have proven effective or ever existed.
Our business model
We conduct a pipeline of patient-based drug discovery programs in muscular and neurological disorders. We develop them as collaborative proprietary programs up to novel therapeutic candidates to be further developed by the pharmaceutical industry.
Our differentiating features
- We develop and exploit complex patient-based disease models for drug discovery thanks to AI.
- We align expertise in an end-to end approach to access best experts, derisk innovation, and accelerate research.
Our why
- Discovering new drugs solving today’s unmet medical needs.
- Advancing science by making outstanding expertise available and reliable for the pharmaceutical industry.
- Achieving great outcomes faster by building precision networks in an integrated end-to-end approach.
Derisking innovation with public funding
The project is launched is set up thanks to strong impulse from Inserm and Sanofi, and 16m€ funding from French Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir (PIA).
Moving Ksilink to the next step
With proof-of-concept now established, it is decided to accelerate and substitute own staff and equipment to in-kind contributions from the members. Ksilink recruits own staff and invest into a tailored fully-automated sterile screening platform.
Incorporation of Ksilink SAS
The technology platform and the team are transferred to a spin-off in the form of a limited company (SAS) to exploit generated results and drive pipeline to valuable endpoints for the industry.